Most popular this week: Star ratings rich snippet on Google SERP with Graddit (for Blogger).

Monday, September 3, 2012

Graddit ratings statistics

There's a new tab in admin panel called "Statistics" that allows you to see detailed data about ratings, views, votes and feedbacks numbers. Also you could get some interesting details such as Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Facebook and Twitter mentions (later this will be extended). Here's the tab screenshot:

It's sortable. To get information about a page click corresponding ⟳ link. Leave your suggestions here in comments.

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  1. most rated posts widget Tops's rating is not same with Statistics

    1. Possible reasons:
      - most rated posts widgets data is cached for period that you specified (Refresh frequency in the Tops tab). There's also another cache layer that you can hit, so what you see can be slightly behind actual data;
      - make sure you're checking the same criteria (that you're not comparing higher views with higher votes, for example);
      - mistakes are possible; give me URL of the page where you placed top rated posts widget and I'll check. Or copy and paste text from Code field (I need only src part).

      look at above picture,tell me why?thank you.

    3. There was an error causing latest data to not appear in tops, sorry for that. Should be working fine now.

  2. I can't acess the admin painel. is the site offline ?

    1. It say "invalid adress ". Press could you tell me ? I want to put a "highest top rated post" on my blogue my can't beucase i cannot enter the admin area :/.
      Btw, nice widget. Simple and usefull . 5/5

    2. Admin panel URL is - does it say "invalid address" when you're trying to open this URL? Can you take a screenshot and post it here? Also, if you're using Chrome you might need to allow loading "insecure" content by clicking on the shield icon in the URL field.

    3. I cant use the chrome cause i can't install it on my computer ( keep getting a error ), but anyway, i cannot open the url on FF. It say invalid adress after i click on the url you linked. Here's a print screen , "Invalid adress " . Its says the url cannot be load, bla bla.
      But i solve thsi problem, i used the Opera browser and i could open it- But now i have another problem. How do i see my post images ? I selected the TOp rating but on preview only the default image appear. How do i solve this problem ?
      A tip please..

    4. Checked that. The problem is that you've registered in admin panel with domain, but when widget is requesting feed it's getting back all the URLs with domain, so the widget script can't match these .pt and .com and can't find thumbnails. I can't control the feed, I'll try to solve this issue by adding additional checks for blogger feed. I've fixed something and you can see now the thumbnails (if you can't, just save top and click preview again), but it's temporary, they will disappear again soon. What can you do to fix that:
      - do nothing and wait till I add additional checks to workaround this issue (probably tomorrow);
      - re-register with URL (get token, etc.) and add ...& parameter to the widget code to make sure all votes stored with proper domain. I recommend you to do that, because this will help you to avoid other issues with ratings not showing in statistics/recommendations panel for some pages; let me know if you need more information on that.

  3. Hello. I re-register with the com. But now i am having a problem with rating. There is no "already rated post" showing. It show me posts that has 0 rate, not like the previously code that show me the post with true average rate. Anyway, i added the & after the "", and added the widget to my blogue. Could you explain me that ? Why is thsi happening ? Check please and thanks for replying .

    1. It should pass some time before information gets updated in the database after you make these changes. I've updated it manually for you, so it should display now, please check.

    2. Oh cool, its working now. Thanks alot for all the support :)
      Great job you are doing, love this widget :)

  4. hi fruitfullboookmarks

    once i delete a page in blogger why does it still come up on sidebar tops without a picture and invalid link, how do i remove deleted bloger posts stats from appearing in the gradit tops sidebars


    1. Because information for tops is taken from the votes/views history and there's no an easy way for me to validate if the pages are there or not every time top widget is displayed. I'll add an option to exclude certain pages from history and from tops in administer interface. These pages will be gone when user vote/view other pages, may take some time depending on users activity.

    2. So Wat do I do? Goto my site! On sidebar look on all the tops there's so many links and pictures missing so there's no way to remove links from tops,?

    3. I'll add "delete" option to admin panel soon.

    4. i appreciate your efforts
      thanks alot but how soon do you think its going to take
      thnks fruitful

    5. Couple of days. Posibly coming weekend.

    6. Looking forward to seeing it great

  5. Hi fruits
    Any news on the delete button for tops


    1. Patience, my friend, Sunday has just started. I'll do.

    2. Delete option is ready to use: login, go to Statistics tab, there should be a new column in the grid called "Acrions" (press Ctrl+R if not showing, that means old script was cached). Press X to delete history (that will eliminate rating from top) or press ☠ to completely delete rating (with history, of course). Deleted row will be marked pink if action was successful, if you pressed ☠ this row will disappear after stats page refresh. Test, let me know if that worked for you. Thanks.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. hey fruits
      its working nicely
      thank you

    5. Just wanted to mention, you don't need to generate token and get a key everytime you want to login.

  6. how to Sign in to manage account for first time???

    1. Go to, click "Generate secret key" link and follow instructions.

  7. I have some problems :(

    1. It looks like you used thumbs up/down ratings and now trying to switch to 5-stars rating. If it's so and you want to switch you first have to login to Graddit and on Statistics tab remove the old ratings.

  8. I'm trying to generate the secret key to manage my account, but when I click on "Verify", the label "Verifying..." appears and stays there, and I can't get the secret key. Is there an alternate way to generate it?
    Thank you!
