Most popular this week: Star ratings rich snippet on Google SERP with Graddit (for Blogger).

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to delete old posts from ratings

Sometimes it happens that you need to delete a post from your blog. If you're using graddit best posts widget then your deleted post (if it was popular) will keep showing in tops for some time. As post is no longer existing its title, thumbnail and link itself will be broken. To speed up the process of removal of such posts from tops in Statistics tab of the graddit administer panel you now have new options:

  • X - remove rating history without rating total removal. This allows you to remove post from tops widget, but keep ratings stats (views, votes, etc.);
  • ☠ - remove rating completely.
After rating removal corresponding row in statistics will be marked pink. If a rating was removed completely it will be eliminated from the grid after you refresh the stats page.

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  1. Hello,

    My question is not related to this specific article, but I don't know where ask it, and you have already resolved another of my problems.

    In my blog, I have installed the graddit system. But when I go to my blog, sometimes, the page is not entirely loaded because of Graddit, which doesn't respond. Is there a solution for this, please ?

    Thank you,

    1. Interesting. Does that happen accidentally or continuously during some timeframe? As a workaround I'll implement delayed asynchronous ratings load.

  2. I've noticed it this morning, and it happened in approximately 50 % of pages, but sometimes it was sufficient to refresh the page for eliminating the problem.

    Currently, all pages seems to work.


    Is your servers down because no widgets are loading on any sites and you site is not loading either

    1. I didn't get any notifications from hoster monitoring system, seems working from here. If something like this happens and you're not sure if a server is up, I recommend using service like this one:

    2. its working now i guess it was just a temp issue
      ok thanks by the way any news on the rating system stars and thumbs raiting together
      i am eagily waiting,
      chers mate your doing great job giving all these for free
